We may often hear especially financial fraud in the recent case of fraud or corruption in corporations or government agencies are popular even in our own country Indonesia. In the USA accounting fraud has become widespread. Spathis (2002) explains that in the USA accounting fraud causing enormous losses in almost all industries. The disadvantage of accounting fraud in the stock market is declining accountability of management and make shareholders increase the monitoring of the management fee. In general, accounting fraud related to corruption. In corruption, including actions commonly done is to manipulate the recording, the removal of documents, and mark-up is detrimental to state finance or economy. This action is a form of accounting fraud.
Indonesia is among countries with the highest world ranking of corruption (Transparency International, 2005). In Indonesia, accounting fraud evidenced by the liquidation of some banks, filing of state and private management to the courts, banking crimes, tax manipulation, corruption in the election commission, and parliament. Despite the alleged accounting fraud has been for years, but in Indonesia there has been theoretical and empirical studies in a comprehensive manner. Therefore this phenomenon is not enough just to be studied by the science of accounting, but need to involve other disciplines.
The rise of financial reporting fraud cases to make us realize that we must act to resolve the issue so as not rampant. Combating fraud is done not only to institutions or high-ranking officials into the spotlight of public companies are now but also harrus from lower or bottom layer organization Settlement fraud but this still does not show significant results.
The effectiveness of legal provisions can not be achieved if not supported norms and value ethics from stakeholders. In the context of an organization, ethics and moral values individual must appear as the organization's ethics rules that have been codified as a code of ethics and completeness.
Fraud (cheating) itself in general is an act against the law committed by people from within or outside organization, with intent to gain personal profit or group that directly harm others. Simply that the fraud was deliberate mistakes.
Whereas According Alison (2006) in article entitled Fraud Auditing defines cheating (Fraud) as form scams deliberate conducted which cause losses unwittingly by losers and benefit perpetrator cheating. Fraud usually occurs because of pressure to perform fraud or encouragement to take advantage of opportunities that exist and the justification (generally accepted) of the act.
IAI (2001) describes the accounting fraud as:
1. One serving of arising from fraudulent financial reporting that misstatements or deliberate omission or a number of disclosures in the financial statements to fool users of financial statements
(2) One serving arising from 12 improper treatment of assets (often referred to as abuse or fraud) relating to the theft of assets of the entity resulting financial statements not presented conformity with generally accepted in Indonesia.
The results of research on accounting fraud, showing that accounting fraud is influenced by the level of corruption in a country (Sheifer) and Vishny (1993), Gaviria (2001)]. The results Mayangsari and Wilopo 13 (2002) proved that the internal bureaucratic influence on governmental accounting fraud. That is, the better the internal control bureaucracy, the lower the level of government accounting fraud.
According to Alison (2006) in an article titled Fraud Auditing of financial reporting fraud perpetrators are classified into two, namely:
a. Management for the enterprise, namely misstatements arising from fraudulent financial reporting (misstatements arising from fraudulent financial reporting). Cheating financial reporting usually done due encouragement and expectations against achievement management work. Misstatements arising from fraudulent financial reporting, better known as irregulatities (irregularities). Forms of cheating like this is often called the fraud management (management fraud), such as: manipulation, falsification, or alteration of accounting records or supporting documents that are a source of financial statement presentation, deliberate in any present or deliberately removed (intentional omissions) of a transaction, occurrence , or important information from financial statements.
b. Employees for individual profit, which is a form of abuse misstated assets (misstatements arising from misappropriation of assets). Cheating this type usually called cheating employees (employee fraud). Misstatements stemming from misuse of company assets include embezzlement of assets that do not result in financial statements prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted. Embezzlement of assets is generally performed by employees who are facing financial problems and do kartena saw an opportunity to weaknesses in internal controls and the company's justification for such action. Examples of these types of misstatements are:• Embezzlement of cash receipts.
• Theft assets firms.
• Mark-ups price.
• The transaction is not official.
• By a party outside the company, ie customers, business partners and foreign parties which may result in losses for the company.
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